19. Linux / macos / BSD command line

The command line is a text interface to your computer/your NAS. It is often referred to as the shell, terminal, console, prompt. This short guide will give you a few basic commands and concepts.

19.1. Starting a terminal

To open a Terminal

  • if your computer is actually running Linux with a Gnome graphical interfaces:

    • Choose “Activities” on the top left

    • On the prompt “type to search”, type Terminal

    • Click on the “Terminal” icon

  • if your computer is running macox

    • Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.

    • Run in Terminal app

  • if your computer is running Windows and you want to connect to your NAS by ssh

    • use a ssh client like Putty

  • if your computer is running Linux or macos and you want to connect to your NAS by ssh

    • Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.

    • Run in Terminal app

    • ssh root@ (Replace root if necessary and by the correct IP)

19.2. Users

The root user is the default privileged user. Usually, the terminal prompt ends by ‘#’ for root and by ‘$’ for the other users. To check the current user, use id. To become root from an user account, you can try

  • sudo -s You may be prompted for your user password.

  • su - You may have to type the root password.

There will be no echo when you type the password.

19.3. Filesystem

  • Filenames, paths and commands are case-sensitives. You need to respect the upper “ABC” and lower “abc” cases.

  • All files accessible in a Unix system are arranged in one big tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /.

  • The root user have access to every files, directories and commands [1].

  • The mount command serves to attach the filesystem found on some device to the big file tree.

  • Conversely, the umount command will detach it again.

  • When using a graphical interface, mount and umount operations can be done by a few mouse clicks on the icons representing the device.

  • When using the command line, root privileges are required.

  • The mount point is the name of the directory where the device is attached. By convention, it’s usually in /mnt, /media or /run/media.

19.4. Commands

  • cd directory_name: change current directory

  • pwd: print working directory

  • ls: list files from current directory (files beginning by a dot are not listed by default)

  • ./testdisk_static: lanch the testdisk_static program assuming it is present in the current directory.

  • testdisk: launch testdisk if the command is found in the PATH, a list of directories. It will not try to start a programmed name testdisk in the correct directory.